Scorch, Scorching - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Scorch, Scorching
[ A-1,Verb,G2739, kaumatizo ]to scorch" (from kauma, "heat"), is used
(a) of seed that had not much earth, Matthew 13:6; Mark 4:6;
(b) of men, stricken retributively by the sun's heat, Revelation 16:8-Revelation 16:9.
[ B-1,Noun,G2742, kauson ]
"burning heat" (akin to kaio, "to burn"), is translated "scorching heat" in Matthew 20:12 (AV, "heat"); Luke 12:55 (ditto); in James 1:11, RV, "scorching wind" (AV, "burning heat"), here the reference is to a hot wind from the east (cp. Job 1:19). See HEAT. In the Sept., Job 27:21; Jeremiah 18:17; Jeremiah 51:1; Ezekiel 17:10; Ezekiel 19:12; Hosea 12:1; Hosea 13:15; Jonah 4:8.